Disney Dream Girls An Unofficial Disney Theme Parks Podcast
Thank you for downloading our unofficial take on Disney theme parks. On this weeks show, Michelle and Jayne share a listeners experience of a family trip to Disneyland Paris, look forward to the EPCOT Food and Wine Festival menu and finally discuss the moving of Chef Mickeys to a conference room whilst its usual location is refurbished.

As usual, you will find pictures available on our website (to go with this podcast) and this is updated every Monday.

We hope you enjoy this podcast, it is such a fun thing for us to do as we love to share our love of Disney with you our like-minded friends.

Our Contact information is:

Twitter @DisDreamGirls and @Jaynephipps

Email info@disneydreamgirls.com


Instagram Disney_Dream_Girls

Direct download: DDG_166.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:47am UTC