Disney Dream Girls An Unofficial Disney Theme Parks Podcast

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On this weeks show, we have two guests reviewing very different experiences. Our friend, and previous guest, Tommy Allison talks about the opening of the Guardians of the Galaxy attraction over in DCA. Then we are joined for the first time by Alisha McKinney, who has a fabulous review of one of the newer Disney Springs eateries. As usual, you will find pictures available on our website to go with this podcast.

We hope you enjoy this podcast, it is such a fun thing for us to do as we love to share our love of Disney with you our like-minded friends.

For show notes, pictures and audio player please visit our website www.DisneyDreamGirls.com

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Don't forget our fellow UK buddies, the boys at Dis After Dark http://disafterdark.libsyn.com/
Also our lovely friend James H Carter II over at Creepy Kingdom - visit Creepy Kingdom
Direct download: DDG_161.mp3
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