Disney Dream Girls An Unofficial Disney Theme Parks Podcast

A second podcast from the Minnie Minxes era where I was joined by Jayne Phipps to review the Dine with and Imagineer experience help at Walt Disney World and then an emptying of the Minxey mailbag.

Hope you enjoy the show and to keep ensuring your receive your twice monthly amount of the new show, Disney Dream Girls, please search for us on iTunes or Stitcher Radio and subscribe. We can also be found on twitter @disdreamgirls, emailed at info@disneydreamgirls.com and we would appreciate you liking our facebook page. 

Watch out for the 9th December 2013 as Minxmas will begin! A daily Disney delight of ten minutes of Christmas loveliness from an array of worldwide Disney podcasters. 

Till then, the show must go on!


Direct download: MMDP_Beta_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:53pm UTC